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Conference Agenda

Breakfast & Sponsor Expo
7:15AM to 8:00AM

Kickoff the event with a great breakfast and an opportunity to network with your peers


Breakfast Sponsored By:

Recap and Day 2 Highlights
8:00AM to 8:10AM

Lisa Perri, Principal Advisor for the Competitive Marketing Summit, provides a recap the of the previous day's events as well as what is in store for the final day of the Competitive Marketing Summit.

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Lisa Perri

Competitive Marketing Summit

8:10AM to 9:00AM
Session 8

Win/loss is at the cornerstone of any competitive and product research practice.

Join win/loss expert Ellen Naylor and iCIMS' Brenton Burnett as the two discuss win/loss projects including successes, failures, & lessons learned.

Ellen Naylor

The Business Intelligence Source

Win/loss Fireside Chat
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Brenton Burnett


Session 9
From Battle Cards to Playbooks - Impactful Competitive Collateral Means Everything
9:00AM to 10:00AM

Competitive data collection and dissemination are only part of the equation, presentation and communications of that data in a meaningful way is essential.  This is when the "Competitive Marketer" shines!  In this session you learn several approaches to present content to the right audiences in the format that is the most effective.  This session will also be collaborative, as we should always be looking for and sharing ways to communicate more efficiently as our business and industry are under constant change.

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Ben Scheerer


10:00AM to 10:30AM
Break & Sponsor Expo

Grab a quick refreshment as well as have time to speak with the sponsors and network with your peers.

Session 10
Case Study: How Twilio Scaled It's Competitive Function to Achieve Exponential Growth
10:30AM to 11:30AM

A-B-C, it's easy as 1-2-3!  Twilio used a multi-phased approach when implementing a comprehensive competitive marketing program.  Learn how Twilio identified, approached and implemented competitive marketing concepts to solve their competitive needs.

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Kaavya Gupta


Session 11
11:30AM to 12:15PM
Ask the Competitive Expert Fireside Chat

Enjoy a fireside chat with competitive expert, Leo Rodriguez, of Ultimate Software. Leo started his career in product management before moving into competitive intelligence. His competitive experience swings from strategy and sales enablement.

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Leo Rodriguez

Ultimate Software

Lunch, Birds of a Feather, & Sponsor Expo
12:15PM to 1:15PM

Enjoy lunch at a table with a subject matter expert & your peers while discussing a topics of interest.  Spend time speaking with our sponsor to better understand how they can help your business

Lunch Sponsored By:

Session 12
1:15PM to 2:15PM
Partnering with Sales to Displace the Competition

This presentation discusses best practices on translating competitive info into actionable insight through partnership with sales. The discussion will include:

  • Discuss importance of alignment with sales to displace the competition and how to work together

  • Share effective ways to enable sales to displace the competition

  • Discuss the power of storytelling in our sales conversations

  • Working with sales to uncover real competitive intelligence (How to capture this info? Where is the info?)

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Rana Salman, PhD

Salman  Consulting

Session 13
Where Competitive Marketing Meets Design Thinking to Drive the Experience Economy
2:15 PM to 3:00PM

We are moving from a “feature-function” product-world into the Experience Economy.  Is your company ready?  Are you as an individual ready to support this transformation?


In this 1-hour presentation including Q&A, Joanne Moretti, a 35-year veteran in the High Tech & Manufacturing industry, with product marketing, design thinking, digital marketing and sales DNA, turned entrepreneur, will deliver a must-see presentation on supporting your organization through the real transformation that’s going on: the one focused on people and value, not technology.


Your key takeaways: how to help your company become competitive and stay relevant in this world of unrelenting change, by shifting from a “product” centric/inward focused organization to an “experience” centric/outwardly focused powerhouse, and becoming successful in the “experience economy”.    


To help you, help your respective company, Joanne will share her journey, her best practices, tips, books and war stories/lessons learned on how she took on the exciting but often painful role of being the “tip of the spear” to help some of the biggest brands in the world, transform successfully by blending her competitive marketing and design thinking DNA to create experience-centric solutions!

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Joanne Moretti

JCurve Digital

Summit Conclusion: Closing Remarks

The Competitive Marketing Summit Team

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