March 24-26, 2025
Golden, Colorado
Unlock the Power of Intelligence: Elevate your Competitive Marketing Expertise
Registration, Breakfast, & Sponsor Expo
7:00AM to
Begin the day with breakfast, while having an opportunity to network with your competitive marketing peers.
Breakfast Sponsored By:
Ben Scheerer
Alok Vasudeva
8:10AM to 9:00AM
Keynote Address
Turbocharge Your Market & Competitive Intelligence With Three Key Principles
The work isn’t “intelligence” unless it drives actions that improve outcomes. To maximize the impact of your work, you’ll need to up-level the way you work. We’ll look at the key principles for doing that:
The work requires a balance of analytical and trust-building skills.
Measuring and communicating the impact of the work … is part of the work.
Support the work with an AI-powered platform.
Cinny Little
Forrester Research
9:00AM to 9:30AM
Break & Sponsor Expo
Grab a quick refreshment as well as have time to speak with the sponsors and network with your peers.
Break Sponsored By:
9:30AM to 10:30AM
Session 1
Using Market Research to Complement Competitive Initiatives
Product marketing teams are often strapped in time and budgets. Automated DYI research platforms can help by providing end-to-end analytics on demand, quickly and without breaking your budget. Such DYI platforms offer easy to use software and analysis.
Inga Vailionis
Session 2
Gathering Trade Show Intelligence
10:30AM to
In the high-tech industry trade-shows are a primary marketing vehicle, but they also offer a valuable opportunity for competitive intelligence gathering. This session will explore efficient and impactful intelligence gathering techniques and guidelines at trade shows. We will explore everything from preparing for the show, prioritizing your time, collaborating with others who may be at the show and finally delivering a comprehensive and impactful trip report to management and colleagues.
Key Takeaways
Identifying the right shows with trip justification and preparation
Ethical techniques for information gathering, including guidance in building your own interview template
Tips and tricks for an impactful post-trip report
Eric Railine
Session 3
11:30AM to 12:15PM
Leveraging Third-Party Testing for Product Validation
In this session, we'll learn about third-party testing and validation.
Mark Sanders
Dell EMC
Lunch, Birds of a Feather, & Sponsor Expo
12:15PM to 1:15PM
Enjoy lunch at a table with a subject matter expert & your peers while discussing a topics of interest. Spend time speaking with our sponsor to better understand how they can help your business
Lunch Sponsored By:
1:15PM to 2:00 PM
Session 4
Driving Competitive Marketing Results Through Emotional Intelligence
Join the highly rated 2018 Competitive Marketing Summit presenters Gail and Bruce Montgomery from ExperienceYes to discuss what happens to your EQ when you apply creative improv concepts to competitive marketing.
Gail Montgomery
Bruce Montgomery
2:00PM to 3:00PM
Session 5
Sustaining a Competitive Advantage Through Segmentation
Learn why knowing your competitor’s customer segments is critical to defining your own place in the market, discover a process to gather the necessary intelligence on your competitors and the critical resources to source (plus tools to help you do it), and understand how to apply your learning to your own customer strategy and go-to-market plans
Tamara Grominsky
3:00PM to 3:30PM
Break & Sponsor Expo
Grab a quick refreshment as well as have time to speak with the sponsors and network with your peers.
Session 6
3:30PM to 4:15PM
Innovation-Driven Disruptive Product, Marketing and Competitive Strategies
We are making so much innovative progress on so many fronts that many existing business models are rife for disruption by new approaches. Industry veteran and APM Experts CEO, Bernd Harzog, takes us though some prominent innovative disruptions and how they changed industries as a result, and brainstorms with you on how new disruptive innovations can be harnessed by you to improve the competitive position of your products and services and to disrupt your competition.
Bernd will share key strategies regarding:
Getting a better grasp on the constantly shifting competitive landscape in high-tech and how to prepare for: competition, co-opetition, partnerships and acquisition potential.
Looking at past trends in high-tech marketing and competition, understanding those trends and advice on how to prepare for the future.
Keen insights into identifying key triggers in driving you own competitive strategy
Bernd Harzog
APM Experts
Joanne Moretti
JCurve Digital
4:15PM to
Panel: Apples and Oranges are Both Fruit
Diversity of objective and opinion make an organization culturally richer, but it can also impede momentum in reaching business objectives. The right insights from the right data can be the great equalizer across the organization.
This panel will explore how competitive data can build bridges in different functions, what those insights produced are, and how they can be used to create momentum and velocity to achieve common goals.
Moderator: Lisa Perri; Panelists: Catherine Richards, Joanne Morretti
Catherine Richards
Richards Creative
Catherine Richards
Richards Creative
Session 7
5:15PM to 6:45PM
Evening Networking and Cocktails
Enjoy light appetizers and refreshments while networking after the Day 1 of the Competitive Marketing Summit
Networking Event Sponsored By: